Wednesday 11 December 2013

Man wakes up from 10 hour sleep with knife stuck in his back

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If you’ve ever been to Trenton, New Jersey, you know the city can seem a little bit sketchy — like it’s the kind of place where getting stabbed isn’t that big of a deal.
Turns out that’s the case.
According to, a man in Trenton woke up from a deep, ten-hour sleep to find a knife had been stuck in the middle of his back the entire time.
Police spokesman Lt. Mark Kieffer said that the unnamed 42-year-old man was out for a smoke after a night of drinking at around 2 a.m. on Sunday. During the victim’s smoke break, a fight ensued when he refused to give another man a light.
At some point, the scuffled ended when the other man fled. Thankful that the incident was over, the victim decided to head in and get some shut eye. But when he woke up that morning complaining about a sore back, his brother inspected the situation only to discover that there was a knife lodged in there.
The man was taken to the Capital Health Regional Medical Center where the knife was removed and apparently that’s where the victim wanted to end it. Lt. Kieffer called the man “very uncooperative” when asked for more information about his attacker.
Apparently, after another ten hours of sleep, he’ll have forgotten about the whole thing.

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